Thursday, January 28, 2016

Initial ideas...and some problems.

As we move along this semester, I thought I'd present my current working idea and some of the issues that I'm working on resolving. So I was initially trying to work on a cube-shaped instrument (kind of like a Rubik's cube) that allowed me to take its individual cubes and pull them out and orient them around its axis' to control sound. However, after finding some not-so-great cube-shaped instruments and not being able to solve how to measure the distance from the main cube, I have totally abandoned that idea. 

Instead, I was drawn to these hanging lights that you always seem to see in super hip cafe's and bars. 

I was also perusing my favorite design site and stumbled across Phillip K. Smith III's "Double Truth", which explores shadow and light as it falls on objects. Here's a selection from a gallery showing: 

The combination of the hanging lights and this play of shadow and light made me think of a system that explores the interplay of shadow and light. I envision an apparatus that looks something like this:
I imagine a series of lights or lamps hanging from a frame shining down photoresistors. After some thought of how to visually engage and show the interaction more, I'm drawn to the idea of mounting the photoresistors on geometric shapes (akin to the random shapes on the wall in Smith's work). I toyed with the idea of using random old objects, but if I use already existing objects, I'll impose a visual/aesthetic/sonic/contextual identity on the system I create. If I use "random" geometric shapes (which I'm thinking of 3D printing), I'll have more control over the shadows I create without imposing an identity on the work--I'm thinking it'll bring more focus to this idea of shadow and light. Maybe if I create cavities for cylinders with varying "tops" to put underneath the lights that I can rotate and control the shadows, but not necessarily the position of these shapes. Hmm..things to think about. 

As for the lights themselves, I have a two light system in mind (with 4 lights, so two of each). One set of lights will simply hang from the frame, and I'll be able to make them swing and create continuously changing light conditions. The other lights I'll be able to bend like desk lamps and have greater control over what those lights are doing and what shadows they create. 

Peter suggested that I find a way to actuate the lights so that I have more control over when each light is on. I really, really like that idea, but it'll definitely take more research than I've done in that department. I want to be able to tap a light to turn it on and then tap it again to turn it off. 

I really like this whole idea because not only do I have a sonic identity that I can hear in my head, but there's also a learning aspect to it. It'll take me (and whoever else chooses to engage in this system) time to learn how the shadows, lights and varying placements of the photoresistors will influence the sound. There'll also be a learning aspect whenever the system is placed somewhere new--I'll have to adapt to the new lighting conditions of the room. 

So where am I headed from here? I haven't done a whole lot with photoresistors, so I'm experimenting with how dynamic they can be. I also plan on experimenting with different kinds of lights at different wattages.  I'm also looking at how to best hang these lights from a frame, and what kind of weight the frame would need to be able to carry depending on what light I go with.

Aaaand...that's the plan!

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